About Me

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Married, have 4 grown children, with great grands...Started painting at 65, have put the brushes away for now, and am creating other things...crocheting etc.

Monday, March 28, 2022

My how time flies!

It's been years since I last posted to my blog.  So much has changed im my life, but one thing has been constant,  my love for my Lord and Saviour!!! He carries me through so many trials these days!!  I'm 79 now and my adventure in painting has changed drastically.   I started painting with acrylics at the age of 65 after having a mini-stroke.   Standing wasn't difficult back then.  Today just getting up from my recliner (my bed) is difficult.   I need help just getting up and down chairs and curbs.  That being said, I want to share the good things in my life.

My husband, Dewey is my soul mate, helper and caregiver!!! His love is constant and I'm amazed at how he's been here for me through it all.

Painting is now in the past, and I've found another way to create. I used to do Zentangles,  but find doodling much more fun.  

Will be back to share......

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Times flies!!!

It's amazing how long it's been since I last posted here in my very own blog.  I'm now 76, and so much has changed over the past 10 yrs.  I started painting at 65, more of a form of therapy after having a mini-stoke.  Now I've put the brushes away because I have way too many paintings needing new homes. I continue to crochet fine doilies, hats and scarves for anyone who wants them...baby blankets too. 
I still have a Facebook page where I share all that's going on in my life.  
Isn't it interesting how as we age (at least in my case) things stop working like the used to.  Take my pour ole' knees...had two TKRs but they just refuse to work as the should.  Getting up and down even curbs  is a big challenge these days.  Hubby has to lend me a hand...oh and getting up from a regular chair or booth...another big challenge.  I am so blessed to have a husband who can see when I'm struggling puts his faithful hand out to make sure I'm safe.... Don't know if I can even remember how this blogging works, so here we go..ehhehe
I wanted to share some of the things I am able to do here, and invite anyone who would like to do the same.  I know there are many creative people out there who feel the way I do...so join me in making each day a blessing rather that a chore!!!   Sending Birthday greetings to all who have Birthdays in June!!!

Thursday, October 26, 2017

As we go into Fall...

As we go into Fall, I'm hoping we can share our hopes and fears for what's to come in our lives.  It's apparent Life as we've all known it has changed drastically, and unfortunately it's not all for the good.   Being a mom, grandmother, and yes, great-grandmother I can assure you children today have a very hard road to follow....even with their parents guiding them with the hand of God.  Peer pressure is definitely a stumbling block for many of them.  As a young girl, I so enjoyed playing "house" in the little woods behind our home in Greenbelt, MD...Mom would allow me to take some sheets and towels to make a little fort for me to take my dolls.  What fun we had!!!  It's a shame that today our youngers don't have safe places to play....it breaks my heart to know just about every child today is afraid.  Too afraid at times to stand up for themselves for fear they will be either beaten or shot. 
I truly believe we are in "End times" and although no one knows when Jesus will come again....I can't believe it's going to be as long as it has been.  What do you think??? 
I'm going to end this here, but hope to hear from some of my friends as to what is on their minds.  Blessings!!!